Wednesday, June 9, 2010

38 weeks - That's 266 days or 6,384 hours!

I have 5 more days to go. Unlike normal delivery, I must say it's a good thing I don't have to wait till baby decides to make her grand debut. She's getting heavier by the day and I can feel myself tilting forward due to the shift in gravity point. And not to mention those sleepless nights due to difficulty in finding a comfortable sleep position, coupled with killer backaches and severe water retention in both legs, making 5 days seem like 5 months to me.

Lately, there were too many advice regarding baby's birth and postnatal care a.k.a confinement period, particularly from the elders.

"No cold water and drinks after delivery." (I can live with that - I guess beer kept at room temperature taste just as nice after 9 months of abstinence)

"Preferably, don't wet your hair for a few days." (What? I can deep fry some fries with that amount of oil on my hair!)

"Take more ginger and sesame oil. It helps with the wind in your stomach." (Ginger? Yuks.)

"No chicken, eggs, shellfish and sambal. Only certain fish is allowed due to your surgery." (Kiss buh-bye to my favourite honey barbecued chicken wings, grilled sambal fish, butter crabs with fried man tao, kam heong lala.... *gulp*)

"Don't step out of the house until you're done with the confinement period." - which btw is 1 whole freaking month! (Fortunately, I'm a self-proclaimed online game whore. All I need is a laptop and an internet connection.)

"Read these Bible verses during delivery. It helps." (I don't think I'll remember anything when comes spinal anaesthesia injection. FYI, I'm a trypanophobic.)

"Listen to worship songs. Let the baby listens too." (Sadly, I don't own one. And I'm hooked on the compilation of Madonna's greatest hits in club remix version - bought by Dear Hubby.)

.....and the list continues.


I know they're concern. I feel their love and care. But that won't change the fact - I'm dying for a can of icy cold beer (ok, maybe not just one). In fact, I've bought a pack of Budweiser for after-delivery 'celebration' with Dear Hubby.

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